Thursday, June 23, 2011

Fookin 'ell.

You still read this stuff? Hur hur hur.

Eh. Dun't know why I'm typing this up.

I had a whim and I am rolling with it.

Derp derp derp.

And that's it.

Friday, June 10, 2011

*Biblical Name Pun Goes Here*

So, Michel. Let's talk about your project.

First things first.


Now that my silly giggly laugh is out of the way.

Good stuff!

You have that mockumentary film motif down. Similar to the cat girl.

But on a different wavelength. More to the tune of a Manzai or Double Act. With a straight man and a jokester. With your girlfriend being the jokester, and you being the straight man trying to keep the production going.

An excellent dialogue writer is you. In fact it is so excellent it makes me think that you two were ad-libbing. Or at least doing the comments off the cuff.

I like doing that in general bullshit situations.

But I know that no one is actually that disruptive, so the scripting comes off as a humorous intentional creation rather than a lucky 8r8k. Or break as it were.

I want to know why you chose this idea.

I'll probably ask you.

In fact I will right now. Comment if you feel like it.

You won't hurt my feelings if you don't.


And that's it.


I had to look up how to spell "lozenge."

So I went to Kip's talk at the Contemporary Arts Forum for a host of reasons (Extra credit, interest, needed an art thing for that week, etc etc etc.) and I am most satisfied with what I got out of it.

Three things really.

First, I was bombarded with a large amount of cultural introspection.

In that, I heard a large number of things that I am peripherally aware of, but had not had the chance to familiarize myself with.

I got more detail into the workings of the Hapa project (had heard about this twice previously), I got to hear three of his spoken word pieces again (The job application, the HIYAAAA; learn how to abuse your asian background advertisement, and one other that the name escapes me at the moment), and I got to boggle at his cometary about the Asian kungfu stereotype/motif that seems prevalent in a large segment of American movie culture (I also fucking love Enter the Dragon.)

Second, I sat next to the most strikingly beautiful woman I have seen in a long time. I have no idea what her name is/was and I am saddened that I will probably never see her again. I can only hope that whatever machinations of fate that placed her in that time at that place, will do so again. She wore a particularly shear skirt, I could tell she was nervous about it. I wanted to be able to help her.

Huh. Kind of strange. I normally don't give two shits about the romantic/human relationship side of things. Due to being abraised in that subject of my life. For various reasons.

Well miss green shirt/shear white skirt, I can say that I wish I had spoken to you and I can only hope I meet you again. Something in your demeanor makes me think you feel the same.

Thirdly, if that is a word (oh good the red lines aren't popping up, I guess it is a word), I got out of my fucking dorm room and had the opportunity to look around downtown.

I really am a bit of a shut-in and I need to go do more things. This helped me do that. I really could flourish in the bombastic small city environment, and this helped to boost my confidence to do so.

I just need to acquire the right sense of movement to do so. I sort of have it at the moment, but it will take some work.

I notice that few people have that sense, but those who do are the people who become like Kip. Charismatic beacons of light in a dark and murky social telephonic veil.
Santa Barbara really is a crazy place.

Had a lot of fun there. Hope to have some more soon.

Off to the summer I go.

And that's it.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Art dump 10; Mostly personal space.

Okay I lied.

It's all personal space.

Here is a video taken by people. I am only in it for a leetle, but it is good to see.

Here. I liked the music choice.

Here are some photos too.

Hahaha! Fuck you shitty Blogger photo uploader. I figuted out your reversal trick and abused my knowledge to get things in the right order on the first try! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...


Well that seems ta be all then.

Oh and this link too.

And that's it.

Show me ya moves!

Sorry Des. This is gonna suck a leetle.

So let's talk about my extra credit earning adventures!

Mainly, filming my TA's sparring bout.

That she, uh, unfortunately lost.

But talking about loosing is boring, so I'll just deal with two things.

Things that went right.
And the best bits from which ta learn!

She went the entire three rounds. Very good. I could feel the energy coming from the ring as (specifically during the second round) Des took some strikes that would have dropped less determined fighters. There was a specific cross counter roughly a minute and a half in that sent her noggin reelin' a good foot, but she kept her hands up and kept trying to move forward.

With the slight break between rounds 2 & 3 she managed to muster enough of her reserves to put out a much better fight in the third round, actually keeping her opponent on the defensive.



Let's move to round two.

And that's it.

All the crap you could possibly want. And more.

Sun: Write an entry that provides URLs to documentation of your: pun, nexus, act of beauty/kindness, altered activity in public space, confession, sequence/narrative, alternate persona, and personal space entries.

Copying that over so I don't have to switch tabs every five fucking seconds to remember what I need to find.

Christ I should have come up with a better system of tagging. Would make this a tonne easier.

Bluh bluh, huge pain in the ass.

Hahahahahaha I'm exaggerating.

Here we go then:




Altered activity in public:



You have this Des. In fact, I will re-post the blog post link somewhere and send that to you outside of this. For reasons you remember. So you can see the format I intended. Here. It's a secret to everybody.

Alternate persona:

Personal space:

Woah meta. mIrAcLeS.

If ya need anything else dearies just give me a ring!

I'll be happy to have it somewhere you can download in a jiffy!

And that's it.

We got's nutin' ta fear 'cept fear itself.

That was where I talked about fear.

Oh, I think I have grown.

In fact, I think I have taken my potted plant of a self and flipped it turnways.

Replanted into some fresh fucking tilled earth.

And am now ready to expand my root systems to the motherfucking core.

That metaphor may have gotten a little out of hand.

I think the best advice that I got from Des was to "stop holding back."

That was very good advice.

I've been working throughout the year to apply that to basically everything.

I think I have mentioned before that I see most of humanity as lonely scared human beings who want nothing more out of life than to be loved and accepted. And by realizing this I can push past the paralytic feelings that the loneliness and fear cause. My father warned me to make sure that it would not cause my ego to swell.

I take that to heart. I never want that to happen. Ego is a dangerous and fuck thing.

Hubris hurts and all that roit.

Thanks for the experiences.

I really appreciate 'em.

Still pissed I missed that flashmob, but olive.

Haha pun.

Yeah, Good times guys. Really feel a great deal more confident thanks to this class and this year.

And that's it.


I hope you get hired! That would be cool.

And with all the convenient coincidences of your free wireless and shit, it would be just that damn convenient.

But that is useless information.

Let's talk 'bout your proposed courses.

Of the three, I would be most excited to take "Beyond the Studio".

As much as I like the formal art setting (fucking white walls and fancy rigged lighting that is a pain in the bitch and a half to make work properly) I would love to get a better handle on art in other settings.

Hopefully, settings that would allow for some more/different/exponentially better meanings and topics to be explored.

In particular, I would hope that my personal favorite medium of ceramics could be utilized to an even more interesting extent. It has a very unique bond with the outdoors (being raw earth and all) and I would do my best to abused that relationship.

It also, if properly constructed, is durable as fuck. Woooooooo!

I had an idea for a piece that would just involve thousands of cups, coating an area. In a place with significant rainfall.

I'd like to do that oneday.


But I'm also not continuing my education at UCSB so I can't take this course, even if it were to be offered.

I can only wish Des the best in her luck. And jot down my own project idea for future use.

And that's it.

The good, the Bad, and the Ugly

I really really liked the "Good advice Bad advice" Angel Devil duo shouting at the various passersby.

As a personification of the "angel and devil on everybody's shoulders" they did well to act as their respective advocates.

The things they were shouting had me doubled over in laughter.

"Cheat on your boyfriend... or girlfriend!"
"No don't! You'll fail all your finals if you do!"
"Fuck that, cheat on those too! Oh you, take that dollar!"
"Noooo! That isn't yours why would you do that!"


It was even funnier if you noticed the actual moral advocate trying to pass out her papers across from them. I don't quite remember, but I believe it was some religious thing.

Wonder how she felt about it?

Hopefully, amused.

And that's it.

YES. (Free.)

I fucking did it.

That is how god damn happy I am that I pulled off the most god damn ridiculous amount of art in an incredibly compressed amount of human time measurement units.

Without sleep. Since the last point in time I had controlled unconsciousness was some 30-40 hours before.

I'm not really sure.

But that is understandable. I'd hope so anyways.

On to the construction.

I had prepared most of the pieces beforehand, attaching interlocking wire supports to each of the joints.

Hung using more wire, the finished piece was... well let me just bloody show you.

At twelve feet by twelve feet, this thing is massive.

The worst part of getting it up, was I had to do it ridding in one of those lifts.

Think a platform with railing on top of a mechanical carjack. On wheels.

And when there was wind... it SWAYED.

Did I mention I have a fear of heights?


In the words of Nick Cage, "THAT WAS BITCHIN'!"

Yeah, but I did it.

And it's my blog and I can cry if I want to, cry if I want to, cry if I want to.

Wait what was I talking about again?

Oh yeah.

It was one hell of an experience getting my commentary on death and its incarnations up into the air.

Themes of death and inevitability that we walk right under (especially residents of this area) every day.

Only someone with a certain amount of familiarity with Chinese connotations would have it hit them immediately. For others, I would hope the imposing visage would get my points and thoughts into them.


Kind of like death.

Goodness that is morbid.

Let's just walk through the curtain and end this... for tonight.

And that's it.

Monday, June 6, 2011


I'd apologize, but after 50 hours of conciseness I think I deserved 14 hours of not.

So no apologies there.

And if you visit the UCEN you will see why.


Anyways, I enjoyed this project.

I, even more so, enjoyed the opportunity it gave me to help (read: harass) random passers by. With a free drink.

The anonymity provided by my homemade radiation suit is intoxicating. The courage that an air filter, large sunglasses, and several coats can provide is astonishing.
(It draws a train of through to internet anonymity, but with a more imposing appearance. An appearance that inspires the appropriate amount of dread that internet anonymity should, but that is just my opinion.)

To clarify, I did this:

Offered free non-irradiated water to any hapless passerby who was in need.

Managed to give out some liquid refreshment to a total of seven people.

Three don't really count, because they were in my class and knew who I was.

Four actual bites, honestly, is surprising to me.

In fact, one of the conesuers gave me a gift in return for my water providing services!

A bag of almonds.

Specifically, these:

You will notice that the bag is almost empty.

That is because these things are crack.

The man who gave me them told me did so because he respected me being out there, doing what I thought was right.

I was, but I think he thought I was more serious than I actually was?

But that doesn't matter. What matters is the amazing generosity I garnered by giving away water, despite my look.

Here are some more pictures.

And that's it.

P.S. With the proper application of cumin and salt, a roasted almond becomes a thing of wonder. In roughly twelve minutes I have become so thoroughly smitten with these delicacies that, it is with a heavy heart, I confront the realization that they will soon be all gone. I loathe to finish the bag.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Art dump. NIEN!

We didn't have any presentation, but I did prepare a number of vessels to contain the water I will pass out.

Also, I made a sign.

I'm so proud.

Pictures to come when I am not zebra tap-dancing on the ceiling tired.


I hateses it.

We hateses it.


Whatever it is anyways. A disliked place for my piece that is.

Basically, anywhere with sun and no people.

Ironically, a good place to have an actual nuclear facility.
Or maybe a place created by one?

Or even the breakdown and cataclysm of one?

"Gorsh, Mr. Bolton. Ya sure are gettin all morbid with yer writins."

You bet your inebriated ass I am Lefty. That is my job.

I have to be prepared to be "the survivor" for two hours and hand out my goodwill water.

(Radiation free guaranteed! Or your not money back.)

Yeah, this isn't much of a problem. In fact, if I had not chosen to set up a stand for this iteration of my piece, I could have been walking around handing out water.

That would have had an entire "traveling wasteland salesman" motif to it.

Another trope that I am quite fond of.

But lugging around water is a fucking bitch, so no way Jose.

And that's it.

Places: ^

Favorite place?

Well I'm just torn between two issues.

A meaningful place.

Or a place with lots of people, for human interactions.

Conveniently, my project devices meaning from human interaction.
In the same way that if a nuclear holocaust happens, and no one is around to die from it, does anyone give a shit?

Something tells me that the silicate based dirt wont give a hoop or a holler.

Just something.

So, I'm going on the main UCSB pathway, near the career center area. There is this really nice spot with shade from the tree.

Seeing as I will be in a number of heavy coats, I will be hot as fuck.

Also I will be elevated in temperature.

*Crowd laughter*

But seriousness, I am prepared to be UNCOMFORTABLY WARM, so I chose a spot where I could, hopefully, bear the full 2 hours.

I still expect to be baked like a durned potato after all is said and done. Not to mention that I have to go put up a public art piece at the UCEN immediately after.

That should be a hoot in that getup.

Even funnier may be me convincing the UCEN office peoples to let me do it in that outfit. I'll probably take it off before I talk to them.

Just a thought.

Anyways, we will see.

And that's it.

Monday, May 30, 2011


Okay the second day of presentations.

That ninja was hilarious.
Good job mon.

I can't imagine what doing that for two days would be like.

In particular, I very much enjoyed the shots of you hiding in several picture planes.

In fact, in the first few I actually couldn't spot you.

The later parts played with the "terrible ninja" motif slightly. Which was funny.

Like this.

But with less impromptu brain surgery.

Good times.

I only wish I could have seen you in action.

The death stare at the final must have been quite engaging.

And that's it.

Sunday, May 29, 2011






Okay enough yelling.

The glazes I chose were not brown or purple. In fact, the glaze recipes available to use this week did not include any purple glazes. We don't have the right minerals to make the recently cobble together purple.

Somehow, my combination of a coat of clear glaze over certain areas of Blue Chun, and what looks like some slightly watered down K9 glaze, made for a very scrumptious combination.

I also managed to work out the handling of the handle attachments. Some advice from a relative helped me to figure out a little niche that people seem to hold affinity for. Might have to do with the innate tendency for people to play with little nobby things in their hands.

Sweet blue mam'ma jamma.

I am very please with the blues that corroborated here.

Straight up Cobalt blue (slightly thin to let throw lines show through)and Blue Chun overlapping in various places. Solid Blue Chun inside with cobalt on the lip. A nice clean feeling there. Orbit commercials be damned.

I did this one to test out my control of blues. I have a commission of a set of four mugs in the works and this confirms my suspicions on how the two glazes will react.

Now you know a bit about my thought processes during glazing.

Fucking crazy basically.

And that's it.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

What identity?

Open this in a different tab and play the music while reading for ambiance. Haha puns.

These days, the identity has become something much more malleable than its previous incarnations.

A digital format increases the availability of all types of information, making those who choose to be an electronic "renaissance man[woman]" all the more varied.

It is also surprising to see the large number of people who do this. The popularity of blogging for a large number of different activities (IE, informational, storytelling, roleplay, news, political pundittaions (is that a word? No? Well it is now.) and many others.) attests to that.

I, personally, use the formspring website to roleplay as a crocodile in my spare time. Strange? Maybe, but it's fun.

Didn't expect to learn that about me did you? Haha, well, people are spurprising and weird.

Mostly weird.

But beyond malleability, the internet has also created permanence.

In that, your online identity can be linked to you forever. And it never forgets anything you do.

Anyone who becomes famous has to deal with their past coming out on the internet. These days, if you want to know about someone, a facebook page is a valuable source of information/a huge target imposed on their personage.

Having the electronic literacy to control that is becoming increasingly valuable.

I've learned it because I just want to watch my ass. I'd rather not get burned, but the advantages of this system are very... enticing.

And that's it.

Totes fave.

Oh man, that god damn action hero/Dr. Nemesis duo.


The didactic dialogue between the two embodies the entire action hero fighting evil genre. They pulled it off with such amazing camp and pomp/circumstance.

The comic book was bloody brilliant. it pulls things more to the supervillian side. Which makes sense as it it written from his perspective. An interesting play on the alternate persona, as it was created in it.

The performance was the bomb.


Yeah, only the people there will get that.

Bad pun of the day quota: Filled.

I still crack up when I think of the sound effects inserted into the comic.

I hope he scans it to a PDF and makes it available online.

And that's it.

A treatise... to the dolphins who listen.

Wisdom comes from experience.

My vast repertoire was engorged this spring evening, when I experienced a conflict!

Like the fish who return to battle the spring, I arrived at the hall of lectures to inscribe my inken answers to parchment.

I was familiar with all, but names are not the bees to the hive. The information and analysis were the nectar this day.

As my pen finished its expulsions I was taken aback by some foul villain threatening the multitudes with an explosive.

Thankfully a hero of the peoples emerged and did battle with the rogue. He managed to pull victory from the jaws of the parakeet.

He also required the use of my pen, which I was happy to relinquish. Transitory elements are the feathers of the eagle.

Some motion pictures were played and I heartily enjoyed the show. I only wish I could have been a part of the "flash mob" productions. The jealousy and regrets of a man are show in the regret of his shirts.

And that is it.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Does the eighth... come later? Only for the fox.

A documentation is needed, and I am happy to provide. Like the moles for it's relations, a gift of wormmeal is appreciated.

The works of this week are myself. As the "big philosopher on campus" I must offer my wisdom to those who wish to learn it.

Records of my words have been taken down. The dictatorial prowess of these machines is a miracle of the tiny chained goddesses.

The platypus's barb will kill only twice. And my post shall reference only once.

The trees will have their... avocations... in time.

Let your hands not be bound by your nails.

Enjoy your journey, for that is it.


Also a little outa place, bear with me here.

(This is unrelated, but music for reading is fun sometimes too. Obviously, already very popular, but fuck that. Sound is good:

Interesting development: I have been making so many fucking cups that there has been a surcharge of 50c added to each of them that I make. Hahahahahahhaa.

Silly production costs.

Anyways, a freeform post is a paralytic injection of freedom.

I am not sure what to do, beyond share interesting things.

Or maybe just stupid things.

But this class has taught me something particular. Few things are stupid, arguing from the proper perspective presents points to postulate upon.

Or are, hopefully, at least funny/entertaining.

And now for something completely different.

Back to reality.

Oh wait I lied.

I spat out my drink to that one.

Glad I don't have a phone that has auto correct.


Moving on.

I've been enjoying my Chinese Art history glass greatly lately. Since my professa' has been talking about Chinese ceramics. I am a little pissed that, in general, ceramic works are considered to contain less thought to them than the calligraphy or painting of the era. But after seeing a large majority of the ceramics, I don't feel so bad. I guess I will have to prove them wrong by making some ceramics that not only are beautiful and filled with grace, but also have incredible thought provoking power.


I'll figure it out. I think.

And that's it.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Do not let the trees stand... for silence.

Still waters... follow.

Remember... your sequences.

Within the wind... you will find succor.

Help those who find no tutelage... in health.

Let the future be remembered.

The stones know no invitation.

The crane will not peck the footstool.

Worth comes not from yourself.

Wealth... is of the sky.

The sapling bends... as must your thoughts.

You have found it... in the earth.

A sword will not cut nato.

Hunger is half illusory. Half sanguine.

Be the ore only when among coals.

No differences exist between bears of fortune.

A stone is the greatest of salesmen.

You may find yourself... in your sandals.

You will see no ducks drinking wines.

Remember no opulence.

Abscond from stairs.

The most important step of a journey is the sixth.

Children, like ravens, know your instincts.

The arena is yours; fill it with airs.

Your hands must hold themselves to hold others.

Emulate the pulchritude of the hawk.

A fish never has a drink.

Your life precedes your mind.

A king of fish is an emperor of death.

Do not be content with forgotten movement.

The longest mile will follow you.

Tower over no one with impunity.

Images... prosper.

Friday, May 20, 2011


Little outa place, bear with me here.

There once was a man from UCSB,
who's art project was vynilesque.
He taped it on down
To the Bike path, but found
In the morning it was gone like Gillespie.

But to his credit he did elicit,
A well timed photo-graphical visit.
The previous night
he alighted the fights
Of stairs, taking many pictures of it.

Now the lack of a day shot disappoints
him truly, but he shall anoint
the darkened shots with
a photomanip,
fixing the glow lacking loights.

Now some would oppose this decision
claiming it malignant derision.
But here I have learned
for a grade to be earned.
The art in selective revision.

Now for the next project comes wood.
The kind that you surely should
know composes trees,
that oft contain bees.
I found a dead one in my hood.

But while all this is good to know
it doesn't explain the loss of my flow.
My rhythm, upset
by this catastrophic event.
God dammit, I needed that toe.

So that is all of my troubles.
I hope not have busted your bubble.
But I'll stop being a nit.
By sayin',"And that's it"
P.S. Thanks again Des for pullin' me out'a the rubble.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Interesting questions. I'd have to say that, if it had to be traditional superhero, I would be the flash.

That is just because I like the concepts surrounding the power of speed. Strength and other fancy things are nice and all, but speed trumps all. There is very little that could not be, in some way, saved through the proper application of enhanced speed physics.

With it, comes strength (since something movie fast also hits hard), heat (due to speed of molecules), difficulty to injure (since it is hard to hit something that can move that fast) and other things.

It is all in the creative application of your power, not about how much power you have.

Speed, as one of the base forms of physical interaction, lends itself to creativity with its extremely flexibility.


If I could choose a less rigid definition of the term "supehero" I would choose Dave Strider's time powers.

Basically, forward and backward acceleration of my personal timeline.

I often feel as though I do not have enough time. These would not only serve to combat that feeling, but also serve as a character flaw.

I would see them as a solution to my lack of time, but the only real way to fix that is to schedule my time better.

If I am not any better about using a resource, It doesn't matter how much of it I have at my disposal.

Makes sense as a trial of character.

And time powers would be cool.

And that's it.


I visited another snow at the CCS gallery.

Named ------- by -------. (To be filled in after I contact mah friend. Who did the damn show. Those were good chips...)

And it was all abuzz. But to bee in the moment, and ins(p)ect the sweet honey of the...

Okay I'll stop.

Wait no I won't.

They seem more "cute" then "horrible painful buzzing flying death" when they are like that.

But yeah, the yarn arrangements at the show were meant to be walked through and played with.

As the puns indicate, they reminded me of bees.

Little yellow buzzing receptacles of fuzzy entanglement.

Almost got a little too tangled up in a few of them. But I extricated myself in time.

Really helped to visualize the movement of unseen forces. Literally(for the wind that acted on the yarn) and figuratively(with the bee metaphor, and the invisible communicative forces that move real bees).

And that's it.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


.rednimer (yrasecen tub) tnaselpnu na saw siht dna evoC ehT tuoba wenk ydaerla I sa ,gnisserped fo dnik saw yadot oS

.retal taht ot kcab emoc ll'I

.em ot gnitsretni saw noitresni tra terces ytimmoC ALAG ehT
.no gniog neve saw gnihtyna taht deciton neve ot naf fo dnik tsiroeht ycaripsnoc a koot yllaer ti woh ekil I .netfo erom neppah dluow siht hsiw I

.thgin ym edam teknalb modnoc ehT

.tnaillirb nmad doG
.erongi elpoep ynam oot tahw no thgilhgih a erew sDTS gnidrager seussi eht tuB

.dekcehc teg ot deen selpoep yllis esohT

.taht rebmemer ot deen yllaer elpoep eroM

.retteb leef I dna ni skcik dnim ym nehT .egniwt hcamots ym dniheb ecaps eht sekam krow reh tuB .gnitseretni saw etadakaN leruaL
.fo elbapac si ti taht gniht eno si taht sseug I

.gnicudni egniwT

.tuo skrow taht os ,detnesnoc enoyreve dnA .tuoba klat ot gniht tnatropmi na si ti tuB
.elbatrofmocnu edam si enoemos esuaceb eussi na erongi tsuj t'naC

.ti tuoba ,krow ekam dna ,klat ot stug eht sah ehs dalG

.enil eht no ssa reh stup ylniatrec ehS

.nosrep ni ti ecneirepxe dluoc I hsiw I .leehw gib eht devol I

.flesym ot lla ewa dna raef gnippir mra eht leef dnA

.tib tsedrah eht ylbaborp saw tahT .gnihcuot neve tuohtiW .elbissop ylnamuh sa esolc sa elpoep owt ekam nac uoy ,epor fo teef 8 htiW .gnihton morf meht ekam nac uoY .spihsnoitaler namuh tuoba gniht gnizama na su swohs yllaer eceip rehtegot deit ehT

.sgnieb gnikees pihsnoinapmoc era yllaer eW .haH



.ffo noissim eht dellup yeht taht dalG .doog dna dab leef em sekam evoC ehT

.nosiop yllacisab si hsif taht daS

.hgiS .yrucrem nmad doG

.hsif ssim I

.teid ym morf hsif gib detanimile yltelpmoc tsomla evah I ,emit tsrif eht ti dehctaw I retfa ,haeY
.ihsus anut ssim gnikcuf I

.ti s'taht dnA

Go here and copy the post into it and "reverse the text" if you don't feel like manually figuring it out.


So I get to dress up as in my rad suit.

I really like the concept and reactions I get from people, but as I need to do more interaction with this continuation, I plan to take it a little farther.

Since I have never lived through a nuclear holocaust, I do not know for sure but, I'd assume someone who had would have a certain destitute skittishness about them.

So, I will take on the actions and mindset of someone totally devoted to survival. Every action I need to take during the day will be done with the mindset that, if I do not complete it, it would be detrimental to my life and continued existence.

Also, too bright light will hurt my eyes, due to nuclear winter, so I will tend to never look directly at any light source.

I really hope the circumstances that lead to a nuclear future never occur.
I hope the reactor in fukishima doesn't leak into the water table.

And that's it.

Okay proposals.



I kinda already know what I am going to do for this, but I need to develop the attitude a little more.

I'll come up with some backups just in case.

1. Reverse Everything: The way I walk, the way I talk, the way I write, the way I do anything. At least for everything possible. You would need a mirror to read my final. I assume they would be cool with it. It's not easy, but I think I could. I can already do the writing trick partially. It would take me a few moments to compose my words before each attempt at speech.

2."Silencio": Refuse to speak. Also, can not write out communication (Beyond the final). Must communicate with crude approximations of sign language and facial expressions. Head nodding/shaking is okay. Attempt to communicate as much as possible. I think I could do this. I also think I am more capable of pulling this off than most people, due to my nature. Duct tape on mouth.

3. "Radiation survivor": Full radiation suit to protect self. Respirator, several jackets and windbreakers, hoodie, heavy jeans, sunglasses. Freakish appearance. But the pink makes it more realistic and less dystopian. Hehehe. I kinda knew I would do this one for a while.

And that's it.

Art Dermp 7.

We didn't do as much as other weeks this week.

As such, nothing to document for week 7.

And that's it.

Friday, May 13, 2011


"FRI - Write an entry that provides URLs to documentation of your: pun, nexus, act of beauty/kindness, altered activity in public space, confession, and sequence/narrative entries"




Act -o- kindness/beaut.:

Altered act in public:


You have that for mine right Des? I have the post saved if you want to see the formatting.

Leave a comment if ya need anything else for that one.

And that's it.

Thursday, May 12, 2011


"First off I'd like to apologize for not being there today.

Apparently, my phone decided to die at the most in opportune fucking time.

God dammit I am really pissed about this, I really wanted to do this exercise.

Now, not only is my grade in fucking danger, I missed out on something cool and I didn't get the chance to do what I said I would and start the fucking standoff.


Fuck, there is nothing I can really say to redeem myself here.

I just want to ask if there is anything I can do to make up any of the stuff I missed up. I really want to do well in this class, and I feel really terrible for missing the flash mob.

Also, you said that if we don't hear back from you about the Personal space project, that that is a good thing right?


To clarify, my phone is my alarm.

Dammit this is the worst possible outcome, not only did I miss one of the things I have been most looking forward to, and god damn enthusiastic about, but I missed it because I was FUCKING UNCONSCIOUS.

This was really god damn irresponsible of me. I should have taken better measures to make sure I could get up. I knew I would be tired.

I had a lot of things to make sure got written, so I was up slightly late last night, but I should have taken better precautions.

Hah, you can tell I am freaking out about this. God, why did this have to happen at the most god damn pivotal moment in my class schedule?

I have a god damn speech to give on Saturday, so I can't head to the extra credit thing on Friday (Because I have to catch a train down to Ventura that night, and I don't have the money to spare to get into the event.

I have to cut and prepare two instillation pieces for my other class, and one has to be up on monday freaking night (Since I need to install it at night to not get hit by bikes) so the cuts need to be done entirely on Sunday.

Yeah, I am going to just stop writing these panicky messages and just start busting out the writing stuff I have to do for four separate classes.

I'll see you monday. Also what time are our phones supposed to go off? for the in class flash mob thing.

I really don't want to fuck that up."


Okay maybe not that extreeme, but yeah. I missed it.

This is a copy of the message that I sent to my TA regarding that missing.

I feel like absolute shit.















Okay I needed that.

And that's it.


There isn't a free one.

But this is free.

I'm not much for the song, but I am all about the pun.

Anyways, let's talk about my buddy's minecraft server.

He invited me to partake in his private server, with a few other friends of his, and after a night or two we are turning this world into a teraformed magnificent quasi-disasterland of amazement and wonder.

The disasterland bit comes from all the god damn creepers.

Creepers are these assholes:

Now, they don't look like much, but guess what they do if you get to close?

They fucking explode, with dynamite level force.

This, combined with the fact that they make NO FUCKING NOISE AT ALL, makes them the most hope destroying force in the universe. They will fuck up you and your shit.

And there is nothing you can do but run.

Run and hide.


Okay I might be exaggerating, but they are fucking scary when six come over the hill (out of the all consuming night time) and rush you like a pack of green innuendo implying shapes of explody and terrible death.

But I did managed to get a cool tower, and part of my defense rampart built. Yay. More work on that to come I suppose.

And that's it.


I am taking four classes, but only three are at this college.

Let's start with everything that isn't 7A.

I am taking Jane Mulfinger's Adv. sculpture class, and it is awesome.

She has made the incredibly generous concession that my personal class start time is slightly later than the other students (due to a schedule conflict) and has always encouraged me to try interesting and different techniques for preparing and presenting my pieces.

This weekend I have to prepare my instillation for my "HI" piece. I have to install it very very late at night on the night of the 16th (since it is directly on the bike path, and I have a severe allergy to high speed collisions.)

I still have some cutting to do, in order for it to be complete and ready, but I am confident I can get it done. I also have to get a second piece installed the following week.

As you can tell, with this one class alone.

I am busy as all fuck.

But wait there is still more!

Next comes my Public speaking class. Which I am taking online and at Moorpark Community college (back home near Newbury Park, where I used to live and where my parents currently reside.)

It's a great class, but it also involves going back to give four speeches in person (making it the public part, kind of hard to avoid this.)

I don't mind the act of traveling back to give the speeches.

I'm just busy as all hell because I have to give one this Saturday.

This unfortunet timing has taken away two days from my already very very very limited amount of prep time I have for my Adv. sculpture pieces.

But I think I have mapped out the time I need, and I should be successful at both the speech and the pieces.



Still need to actually write the speech. Probably going to do that all today.

Need to just fucking focus. At least it is on an interesting topic.
It's persuasive, for convincing people to buy and eat locally grown foods.

That will be a blast, for sure.
As speaking in front of an audience (in this kind of setting) is always fun and very similar to getting an adrenalin shot.

Each time I do it I feel like I just ran a damn marathon.

The positive reception to my presentations helps as well.

Lastly, I'll talk about my Chinese Art History class.

While I will call 6DS because that is what it is called.
(And it is a ton easier to reference it by that.)

6DS is great, but god dammit is the room that we have our section in hot. Really fucking uncomfortable.

Right now the topic of the week seems to be Song Dynasty painters. Particularly those of the Literati. They were an interesting bunch, but certainly arrogant as all fuck.

Nothing I can do about that though. Just need to give it my best to remember their really amazing brushwork and philosophical stances.

All this stuff combines to make this weekend a real living hell.

I need some god damn clones to help me with all this work.

I hardly have to time blink my god damn eyes, with all the work that needs to be done.
Back to work then.

And that's it.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Rt dump Six.

I think people will either get a kick out of it, or be really freaked out.

I look forward to either.

The freaking out due to my unusual hazmat appearance. ( As my roommate put it, "Dude you are gonna, like, get tazed.")

The kick out of it from the absurdity of the situation.

Hopefully, a select few will get the connotations of how hard living with nuclear devastation is and the connotations this piece has with it.

Oh, for those who weren't here for the previous explanation...

I will be dressing up in a home cobbled together "hazmat" suit that involves dark sunglasses, my air filter mask, several coats, and my police boots.

And I will open up a "Free non-irradiated water" stand on one of the main pathways.

It should be fun.

And hopefully inflict some thoughts.

And that's it.

SUN - Commit to one of the above ideas and fill out the Release Form for the Personal Space assignment. *** Turn it in to me on Monday after Lecture.



In the past.

And that's it.

What the fuck.

Did I just watch.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Oh no! Personal space invaders!


So, this project.



Shit this is hard.

I know what I want to do for my persona.

But this is still a little difficult.

(On an unrelated note, click this.)


Okay, seriously.


1. "Liberate" dining commons food. Offer it free at a "Free Totally Legitimate Desserts" stand. A large selection. Like take a significant quantity every day and store them till the presentation. Okay this is pretty funny. I'm just offering what is mine. Hehehehehehehehe.

2.Stage a sword fight (using canes or something) between myself and someone else. Slightly choreographed with some improvisation. In a public space.

3. Set up a clean drinking water sale stand in my radsuit. (100% radiation free guaranteed!) The whole airfilter, heavy coats, heavy boots. Interesting dichotomy.

I think I like the third one. Since I can really do it. But I like sword fights too. Hmm.

Just need some water. And another cane...

And that's it.

Sunday, May 8, 2011


This doesn't have anything to do with the art exhibit I visited.

I just thought the ambiance would be nice.

While you are reading my words that I am typing.

Or have typed. In the past.

And you are reading them in the future.

Hello future! Greetings from the distant (sorta) past!

Moving on...

I went to the "Webs of Hands" exhibit.

Which is and was and will be the work of Mallory Watje.

Down at the CCS gallery.

Fucking print extravaganza right there.
I think, I could be wrong here but I do not believe that I am, that the web of hands title references the intricate and entangled web that the trail of hands would make if you were to record the handwork that goes into creating numerous numerous prints. Think, time lapse of the creation of all the exhibited work, overlapped onto itself.

That is the web.

And it's quite evocative of what the printmaking art is.

I think I have done printmaking once. And it was bloody labor intensive. The repeated ink applications remind me of the repeated electrical signals used to create the image on a television screen. Which is what I think the TV's in dresses pay homage to.

Allusions to trance like states of being, with which you get work done. In this particular inky winky art.

Or, at least, that is what I am attempting to intemperate these details as.

I could be wrong, but no one gives two fucks about what I spot off anyways.

Or do you?

I am ambivalent.

I just like having fun talking.

Or typing, as it were.

And that's it.

P.S. More music:

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Chalk. This time without fuckers who hose your shit down. God damn automatic sprinkers.

They are out to get me.



Shit, go right.



Hup, right again.



Fucking walls augh.

Guh, dark.

Fffff- rightrightright.



Bright. Really bright.


To really get a picture of the narrative (haw haw puns, okay yeah that was terrible. I apologize) you have to go along the piece.

And by go along, I mean run along.

Pretty quickly.

But I will save you the breath.

Mostly out of magnanimity (read: It's probably already been washed off, again, and as such it is impossible to run it at this time) and a desire to let you know what is going on with a bunch of pictures of chalk foot/hand prints.

A point in time ago, I had an experience that involved police officers.

I hadn't done anything wrong, but a series of... circumstances regulated my position to... well I had my hair down, a sword out, and was practicing at night, in the middle of a street.

I can see how this would look bad.

I probably should have considered this at the time, but it's too late for regrets now.

The most memorable thing about the altercation, to me, would be the headlights.

Of the squad cars.

It was... unearthly bright.
I remember the entire event very clearly, but those lights.

I'm also pissed that the backup officer was bending my training sword.

But he didn't know any better, and I wasn't stupid enough to say anything.

The same way I wasn't stupid enough to run.

But that narrative did exist in my head.

I just hope it doesn't seem like a meaningless journey in photograph format.
So go to the real thing if you can, in the UCSB art building.

And that's it.

Flash mobs.

I'm so ----EXCIT----ED!!!!!!!!

Yeah. I think this will be cool, whichever one we end up doing.

Shit, we talked about this in great detail on thursday.

Oh, for those of you who don't know what a flash mob is, go here.

Just like the title.

I watched a ton of videos then, and a few more on my own.

I think my group was debating the merits of a select few before that section adjourned.

The standoff/shootout one.

The slow motion matrix fight.

Or the ninja fight. Slow-mo or not. Depends.

I think my favorites are the standoff and the ninja mask one.

The standoff would be very easy to put together, as we all have fingers to mimic gun motions. It wouldn't take much rehearsing at all. Actually maybe a little would be good to get the timing and look of what gun to pull out down.

The ninja one would be funny as well. With T-shirts for ninja masks, and two teams (black and white masks) so we know who to fight.

Hehehehehe, this is already very amusing.



And that's it.

Friday, May 6, 2011

What the fuck happened to my Beau post?

It was right fucking here.



I'll rewrite it.

(Dammit blogspot you are embarrassing me infront of nobody because no one reads this piece of shit. Bah.)

)))Edit: Oh wait, I'm blind. Disregard that. But read this anyways because I said some more uninteresting things.(((


Okay okay okay shut up for a sec.

Spoken word time, and I need some fucking silence here.


I'm not much of a spoken word as art kind of person.

I mean, I work with ceramics.



Fucking mud.

Not exactly a noisy medium

Not that I don't enjoy spoken word.

I just never had much contact with it.

But according to certain people. I can talk. But I'm not much of a talker in public.

I guess this is why I am taking that public speaking course. And why I can talk the fuck out of anyone who I consider close to me. And on the internet where no one gives an aerial fornication.

Goddamn shyness, fuck you.

These limits do not please me.

But this Beau character.

That was enjoyable.

I think that he is funny.

And that his performance was funny.

And worth listening to.

I like how, when he was dropping papers, he kicked one into a perfect spin. That, for some reason, tickled me pink for a while.

I liked the content too, but that is all people talk about. And a waste to mention here. Since I agree with most points.

The experience will mess with those who don't. I like that.

I hope it does it.

And I hope he does it.

And that's it.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Movies and cutting it loose.

I can cut loose then.


I haven't watched a movie in a while.

The first thing I can think of I don't actually know the name of.

Because it is in Chinese.

It is a multimovie epic concerning the romance of the three kingdoms.

Which you probably don't know what the fuck it is.

Long story short, think Trojan war except the lady wasn't a bitch and the invader had completely fucking lost it.

Also, a shit ton more solders.

The musical score is like sweet audionecter in my grateful parched ear-holes.

The scenery is amazing, because it's China.

Doze mountains...

I man dayum, just look at 'em!


The plot revolves around a number of epic heroes who lead armies.

I swear to god this is where the format for tactical RTS games come from.

You get a bunch of big damn war-heroes (who have exorbitant battle prowess compared to the average human being) and a bunch of mooks. Mooks die, heroes duke it out at various stages.

And people base platoon formations on small animals. That bit is just kind of silly, but whatever.

Each side really just tries their best to keep the heroes alive while they lead 'em to victory.

China is a fucking tactical RTS.

I knew it.

And that's it.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A deed is done.

Well, it is.

I feel sick tonight.

Bluh bluh. Huge bitch.



Thing. I think.

Right that should do it then.

Pictures to follow.


Any now for the freeform thingy.

I'm going to talk about steal this book.

Which is a book.

By Abbie Hoffman.

I love this book, but am kind of pissed that a great deal of the information in it is no longer up to date.

The tricks for cheating vending machines don't work anymore. And most of the addresses for certain... things are no longer up to date.

I am, however, very pleased that the recipe for a smoke bomb still works.

Not that I have ever used one.

But I enjoy the chemistry.

I mean it is fascinating you can make a flame-less smoker with only sugar and salt-peter. And a pound can fill a city block.

That's a lotta smoke.


I don't like the actual violent other things the book details the production of.

But I can appreciate the science.

I like knowing the chemical composition and work of the stuff. I guess that is why I have such a fascination with glazes and ceramics.

And that's it.


The dark room was...

Let's say I agreed.

I'll go with that, yeah.

I remember seeing the DEAD cabinet in production.

I liked the one-way-mirror/mirror trick.

The glowing blue bottles in the cabinet were surreal. And not just the kind of surreal tossed around because that is the correct adjective. I felt hazy being in that room, and they were hazed right along with it.

The incense helped, but I wish it had been alight as I had entered the first time.

I did not even expect to hear Jae singing. That was good stuff though.

Sincerity, is all I can really feel though.

And that is... really really nice to see these days.

Sigh. Fuckin' hopefull.

It was nice. And, while that is a really shitty thing to say (as it doesn't say anything) it is the best I can do, because that just felt really good to be a part of. I've heard her introduction thrice now, and this helps solidify the meaning behind her works.

To me anyways.

There were some strong perfumes in that gallery (shit tons of people).

I like how the grass room helped me to breathe. I want to find that shape on campus.

And that's it.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Out of the metaphorical bag.

This was bleedin' hilarious.

And by this I mean the half cat person documentary.

This had all those little visual and tonal cues that make a faked mockumentary, or even a real documentary, really damn funny. The innocence of the subject is part of it. The faked innocence is another.

All together, this becomes something that tickles my funny bone.

It uses that cominality of images that associate themselves with real documentaries (various cuts and fadeaways. The recurring 'unsure of them self' and 'I'm just me' tone that interviewed people seem to have.), as well as those of fake documentaries (The silly cutaways with really sarcastic clips, the people in the background completely ignoring something obviously surreal. Any too many other funny little quips to list.)

Seriously, this was really well done.

Good job.

And that's it.

"What are your thoughts on the forthcoming Personal Space and Alternate Identity assignments?"

What are my thoughts on the forthcoming Personal Space and Alternate Identity assignments?


Well, my thoughts on the forthcoming Personal Space and Alternate Identity assignments are, as of the writing of these words right here, nothing. Beyond the fact that I must do them and that they are important.

I feel that they will be a product of my own hazy sleep deprivation fueled imaginings and ideas bounced off of some people I know.

The second one in particular will probably be easier to come up with an interesting premise for. I feel more comfortable deciding the fate of my own identity than I do of messing with personal space.

It's easier to do without getting into real trouble.

Not that I am limiting myself based on that. I figure this class has enough of a reputation that, I could get away with something awe inspiring.

If I can come up with something like that.

I'd like to anyways.

And that's it.


I think I know what I want to talk about.

I HASS... the STOREE.....

But in order to make it a project I need to find a good way to tell it.

I am not sure how to do this.

Let's come up with some pedantic bullshit.

1. Broken bisqueware tower/pyramid. It was a bad idea, and so is this. Almost got into really deep shit. Maybe dropped? I like this one the most, as the material is very dear to me. Few other things are as deeply related to me as that. But I didn't know about it at the time. Hmmm.

2. Chalk drawing with a dystopian ending. Since I don't really want to get shot, I could draw out what could have happened if I had acted stupidly. This is also kinda good, but I need to get myself some chalk. Hmmm.


And that's it.