Monday, June 6, 2011


I'd apologize, but after 50 hours of conciseness I think I deserved 14 hours of not.

So no apologies there.

And if you visit the UCEN you will see why.


Anyways, I enjoyed this project.

I, even more so, enjoyed the opportunity it gave me to help (read: harass) random passers by. With a free drink.

The anonymity provided by my homemade radiation suit is intoxicating. The courage that an air filter, large sunglasses, and several coats can provide is astonishing.
(It draws a train of through to internet anonymity, but with a more imposing appearance. An appearance that inspires the appropriate amount of dread that internet anonymity should, but that is just my opinion.)

To clarify, I did this:

Offered free non-irradiated water to any hapless passerby who was in need.

Managed to give out some liquid refreshment to a total of seven people.

Three don't really count, because they were in my class and knew who I was.

Four actual bites, honestly, is surprising to me.

In fact, one of the conesuers gave me a gift in return for my water providing services!

A bag of almonds.

Specifically, these:

You will notice that the bag is almost empty.

That is because these things are crack.

The man who gave me them told me did so because he respected me being out there, doing what I thought was right.

I was, but I think he thought I was more serious than I actually was?

But that doesn't matter. What matters is the amazing generosity I garnered by giving away water, despite my look.

Here are some more pictures.

And that's it.

P.S. With the proper application of cumin and salt, a roasted almond becomes a thing of wonder. In roughly twelve minutes I have become so thoroughly smitten with these delicacies that, it is with a heavy heart, I confront the realization that they will soon be all gone. I loathe to finish the bag.

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