Thursday, May 12, 2011


There isn't a free one.

But this is free.

I'm not much for the song, but I am all about the pun.

Anyways, let's talk about my buddy's minecraft server.

He invited me to partake in his private server, with a few other friends of his, and after a night or two we are turning this world into a teraformed magnificent quasi-disasterland of amazement and wonder.

The disasterland bit comes from all the god damn creepers.

Creepers are these assholes:

Now, they don't look like much, but guess what they do if you get to close?

They fucking explode, with dynamite level force.

This, combined with the fact that they make NO FUCKING NOISE AT ALL, makes them the most hope destroying force in the universe. They will fuck up you and your shit.

And there is nothing you can do but run.

Run and hide.


Okay I might be exaggerating, but they are fucking scary when six come over the hill (out of the all consuming night time) and rush you like a pack of green innuendo implying shapes of explody and terrible death.

But I did managed to get a cool tower, and part of my defense rampart built. Yay. More work on that to come I suppose.

And that's it.

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