Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Nice weather.

So the assignment was to "Alter an everyday action in a physical public environment and document what you did, public reception, etc. How did it change or enhance your understanding of the space and activities within it? Elaborate. Be prepared to discuss what you did in class on Thursday and pull up your blog documentation via the projector for a 3-minute presentation. This will be a precursor to a major assignment later in the quarter regarding public/personal space."


I decided to change what I wore.

Clothing and all that.

I wore an extra three jackets (two with hoods.)

My police boots.

Fingerless gloves.

My respirator. Which I normally use for mixing glazes.

And sunglasses.

I looked like this:

I then sat in the middle of the main bike circle from about 4:30pm until 5:00pm.

I got a lot of looks, a ton of glances, a boatload of stares, and a lot of other synonymous terms.

Here are some shots.

Thanks to my friend for taking the shots.

It was interesting sitting there, trying to strain my ears for any comments that people would say.

Beyond confused whispering between some groups, the clearest thing I could hear came from two gentlemen who passed me riding bikes.

More accurately, one was riding a bike while the other held on to his shoulder and rode his skateboard.

I believe he said, "Woah, what's going on here?" before speeding past.

I also saw a pair of (what I assume to be) older women visiting the campus to scope out the school.

I think so anyways, they looked "mum"ish.

Apologies, if you were not, random strangers.

But anyways, they were the only ones to physically stop and comment to themselves, while pointing at me.

I not that I minded. I mean, generating a different reaction was the point.

But most people only glanced while continuing on their way. I probably didn't see most of the glances anyways, since, with the hoods up. I had a real limited field of vision.

It was a very strange experience, to sit there and watch everyone zoom past.

I had wanted to dress like this to say something about radiation.

I don't know how many people got that feeling.

It was fun being in my own thing for once, I don't really know if I'd call it an artwork.

Oh well.

And that's it.

P.S. Yes, it was fucking hot. I was in two winter coats and a windbreaker.

1 comment:

  1. Oh man! Creepy! I'm glad the mask is pink, it makes it less apocalyptic LOL
