Thursday, June 9, 2011

YES. (Free.)

I fucking did it.

That is how god damn happy I am that I pulled off the most god damn ridiculous amount of art in an incredibly compressed amount of human time measurement units.

Without sleep. Since the last point in time I had controlled unconsciousness was some 30-40 hours before.

I'm not really sure.

But that is understandable. I'd hope so anyways.

On to the construction.

I had prepared most of the pieces beforehand, attaching interlocking wire supports to each of the joints.

Hung using more wire, the finished piece was... well let me just bloody show you.

At twelve feet by twelve feet, this thing is massive.

The worst part of getting it up, was I had to do it ridding in one of those lifts.

Think a platform with railing on top of a mechanical carjack. On wheels.

And when there was wind... it SWAYED.

Did I mention I have a fear of heights?


In the words of Nick Cage, "THAT WAS BITCHIN'!"

Yeah, but I did it.

And it's my blog and I can cry if I want to, cry if I want to, cry if I want to.

Wait what was I talking about again?

Oh yeah.

It was one hell of an experience getting my commentary on death and its incarnations up into the air.

Themes of death and inevitability that we walk right under (especially residents of this area) every day.

Only someone with a certain amount of familiarity with Chinese connotations would have it hit them immediately. For others, I would hope the imposing visage would get my points and thoughts into them.


Kind of like death.

Goodness that is morbid.

Let's just walk through the curtain and end this... for tonight.

And that's it.

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