Friday, June 10, 2011


I had to look up how to spell "lozenge."

So I went to Kip's talk at the Contemporary Arts Forum for a host of reasons (Extra credit, interest, needed an art thing for that week, etc etc etc.) and I am most satisfied with what I got out of it.

Three things really.

First, I was bombarded with a large amount of cultural introspection.

In that, I heard a large number of things that I am peripherally aware of, but had not had the chance to familiarize myself with.

I got more detail into the workings of the Hapa project (had heard about this twice previously), I got to hear three of his spoken word pieces again (The job application, the HIYAAAA; learn how to abuse your asian background advertisement, and one other that the name escapes me at the moment), and I got to boggle at his cometary about the Asian kungfu stereotype/motif that seems prevalent in a large segment of American movie culture (I also fucking love Enter the Dragon.)

Second, I sat next to the most strikingly beautiful woman I have seen in a long time. I have no idea what her name is/was and I am saddened that I will probably never see her again. I can only hope that whatever machinations of fate that placed her in that time at that place, will do so again. She wore a particularly shear skirt, I could tell she was nervous about it. I wanted to be able to help her.

Huh. Kind of strange. I normally don't give two shits about the romantic/human relationship side of things. Due to being abraised in that subject of my life. For various reasons.

Well miss green shirt/shear white skirt, I can say that I wish I had spoken to you and I can only hope I meet you again. Something in your demeanor makes me think you feel the same.

Thirdly, if that is a word (oh good the red lines aren't popping up, I guess it is a word), I got out of my fucking dorm room and had the opportunity to look around downtown.

I really am a bit of a shut-in and I need to go do more things. This helped me do that. I really could flourish in the bombastic small city environment, and this helped to boost my confidence to do so.

I just need to acquire the right sense of movement to do so. I sort of have it at the moment, but it will take some work.

I notice that few people have that sense, but those who do are the people who become like Kip. Charismatic beacons of light in a dark and murky social telephonic veil.
Santa Barbara really is a crazy place.

Had a lot of fun there. Hope to have some more soon.

Off to the summer I go.

And that's it.

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