Tuesday, March 29, 2011

In the beg-ginin'...

There was lecture. (On Monday.)

And it was good.

Basically, I came into the class not really knowing what to expect and was immediately very entertained.

Seriously Kip,

Because that was really entertaining and funny.

And informative!

On the contract sheet it said that sleeping in lecture is grounds for immediate dismissal.

I don't think that will be a problem for this class.

Mostly because he makes it interesting instead of turning off the lights, turning on a bright projector, and droning for an hour. I hate when teachers do that. It is like fucking hypnotism. I swear, it conditions my body to shut down.

The lecture is also at 3:30pm, so that helps too.

Anyways, there were many examples of icons presented to us. The really fast avalanche-esque slide-show was a very pointed example of a commonality of images that exists for people growing up in this age. Especially with the internet, due to it making images so readily available.

It was moving really damn fast though.

As for other stuff...

Welp, it really sucks for Alexandra Wallace

The girl is absolutely hosed. It is quite sad. Hope she manages, somehow.

The funny thing is, I heard the song remix of the video before I saw the actual thing. Kinda weird.

I liked the things the lecture talked about.

Fuckin' art. How does it work?

I guess this class will help with that question.

Considering the unit price, I hope to hell it does.

And that's it.

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